Lemon Cake

Lemon Cake....................


3 eggs
2 / 1 cup butter
2 / 1 cup sugar
Humans of a lemon (or orange)
4 cups plain flour
A grain of salt
2 / 13 teaspoon baking powder
2 tbsp Milk
Scrambled eggs with a fat
Coarse sugar for decoration (you can use templates sugar through the broken)

Method and information:

- beat eggs well in a deep bowl.
- fail butter with sugar in another bowl until well become Kalkarimp and becomes lighter in color.
- Mix the flour with salt and baking powder and add flour mixture to the mixture with the former continuing to whipping and mixing all the ingredients until homogeneous.
- Add the eggs gradually while continuing to good whipping.
- Add the milk and milk we all turn the ingredients until we get a homogeneous mixture.
- Put the dough cake on a greased baking sheet and a little fat in the form of a letter S.
- Brush with egg and decorate the coarse sugar on the surface.
- placed in the oven temperature to 180 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes and served warm or cold.


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